Career & Technical Education (CTE)
Career & Technical Education at Arvada High School
Career and Technical Education in Colorado leverages workforce and education systems so that each learner has quality CTE experiences leading to lifelong career success.
Students at Arvada High School have the option of choosing an "academic pathway" from among three general areas. Students who complete pathway requirements earn an honor cord to wear during graduation ceremonies.
Career & Technical Education in Jeffco
Career and Technical Education (CTE) engages students and prepares them with the skills they need for fulfilling careers in vital, in-demand, industries and occupations. All CTE programs offer academic, elective or college credit. CTE’s mission is to prepare all students for successful careers through the real-world application of core academic skills by partnering classrooms with businesses, industries and communities that positively impact the future workforce.
Arts & Humanities Pathway
Students can pursue a pathway in arts and humanities, specializing in one of five fields: visual arts and design, ProStart Culinary, teaching, journalism and performing arts.
STEM Pathway
The STEM pathway includes options in health and computer science.