School Accountability Committee
Arvada High School (AHS) families can get involved at a deeper level by taking part in School Accountability Committee meetings.
The Arvada High School Accountability Committee:
- Serves in an advisory role to the principal. The principal is responsible for implementing the accountability process in the school.
- Adopts school goals and objectives for the improvement of education at Arvada that are aligned with the district strategic plan and with the state statute.
- Adopts a plan to improve educational achievement, maximize graduation rates and support school safety and a welcoming environment aligned with district policy.
- Reports on the educational performance of the school and provides data for appraising such performance to students, parents, staff, Board of Education and other educators.
- Makes recommendations to the principal and district leaders regarding the prioritization of expenditures of district funds.
- Selects from its members a chairperson who is not an employee of the school district, as well as a co-chairperson and a recorder.
- Adopts rules of operation consistent with district policy and state statute.
- Approves the school’s unified improvement plan for each school year.
- Reviews the school’s progress on goals and objectives established for the unified improvement plan as well as the annual report to the community.
- Makes recommendations for the spending of school funds, including private, state and federal grants.
- Develops, revises and monitors a school safety plan consistent with district policy.
The accountability committee is not:
- A mini school board.
- A group that evaluates district personnel.
- A group that makes hiring and firing recommendations.
- A policymaking body.
From: “Handbook for Colorado Educational Accountability: A Guide to State Accountability and Accreditation,” by the Colorado Department of Education, July 2004
- All recommendations will be based on the well-being of AHS students.
- Meetings will be issue-based rather than people-based (names cannot be used).
- Everyone agrees to be positive supporters of the committee.
- The committee respects time limits as well as differing opinions.
- When a vote is necessary, there will be one vote per household. The household must have been present at one previous meeting to vote.
- Items presented for the agenda will be discussed at the next meeting.
- Information at the meeting will be made available on the school website and in the monthly school newsletter (including how decisions were made).
Consider attending an Arvada High School Accountability Committee meeting, generally held monthly on Monday evenings. It’s an opportunity to become informed and involved all in one evening.
Below is the 2024-25 PTSA and School Accountability Committee meeting schedule. All meetings are at 5 p.m. in the school library.
- September 9th
- October 14th
- November 11th
- December 9th
- January 13th
- February 10th
- March 10th
- April 14th
Contact Us
Main Office
Phone: 303-982-0162